Bar Shapes

Bar shapes consist of several bars that start on z=0 and have a height depending on the corresponding datapoint. They can be aligned in rows, and rows can be combined to create 3D bar graphs.

Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram of tangible.shapes.bars.Bars1D, tangible.shapes.bars.BarsND

Base Class

class tangible.shapes.bars.BarsShape(data, bar_width, bar_depth)[source]

Base class for vertical bars.

  • data (sequence type) – The data.
  • bar_width (int or float) – The width of each bar.
  • bar_depth (int or float) – The depth of each bar.

Shape Classes

class tangible.shapes.bars.Bars1D(data, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Vertical bars aligned next to each other horizontally. Datapoints are mapped to bar height.

class tangible.shapes.bars.BarsND(data, bar_width, bar_depth, center_layers=False)[source]

Vertical bars aligned next to each other horizontally. Datapoints are mapped to bar height. Multiple layers of bars (matching number of datasets).

Parameters:center_layers (bool) – Whether or not to center the layers horizontally (default False).